Отчет об одном из сегодняшних "мероприятий".Пошла, значит, я, как обычно, на форум к Леночке, прочитала сказку, выложенную Таней в "Умных мыслях", и так расстрогалась, что ажно решилась зарегистрироваться исключительно затем, чтобы сказать несколько добрых слов там же ей же. Зарегистрировалась. Мои убеждения позволили мне это сделать без всякого зазрения совести и сомнений в своей искренности, так как из "сказки" я ушла уже(см. "Ухожу, ухожу, ухожу..."). Ну а раз уж я там теперь отметилась, то решила, что не пропадать же "добру" и поделилась "дуркой", она же часть от рождественской сказки, написанная мной почти десять лет назад. Ну и аватарку себе соорудила. И девизик. Все как у людей. Вот только сказочка моя по английски была написана. Удержусь или удалят? В правилах о запрете иностранных языков ничего не говориться. С другой стороны говорится о запрете мата, а мат почему-то не удалили (см. те же "Дурки" от Andrew). А сказочка-то, собственно, в тему, в свете постоянных "Лена, а что у тебя с Эдгардом?" и последнего хита "Лена, а у тебя бордовая хонда? Только не говори, что у тебя ее нет". Так что посвятила я ее (сказку то есть) всем особо любопытным и чересчур осведомленным со всех форумов и гостевых.
Ежели кому интересно содержание, а с английским проблемы, могу переводик соорудить. Но в переводе не так весело получается. Хотя... Может, и так не очень весело? В общем, судите.
читать дальшеThere are so many sinners in the world but sins are much less. I offer you to name one of them. Let’s start from the very beginning. Sorry, I am not quite right. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth but sins appeared only when people had been created. So, let’s go to Eden.
[The song “Island of bad luck” from the film “Diamond arm”]
Under heavens, really, absolutely green
Eden is. You’ve heard of it. What’s a lovely thing!
There is no TV set, no Disneyland.
There are very lonely woman and a man.
There are very lonely woman and a man.
There is no TV set, no Disneyland.
In this case what can you do? How would you rest?
Eat and sleep, and walk, and speak. Choose, what is the best?
Eat and sleep, and walk, and speak. Choose, what is the best?
In this case what can you do? How would you rest?
(Eden. The tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve are lying under the tree. The serpent is lying behind the tree.)
Eve: How it is boring here! (To Adam): Why do you keep silent?
Adam: I have been speaking to you for… How many hours? (Looks at his wrist) Oh, I’ve completely forgot, I haven’t got a watch.
Serpent: And if you had it wouldn’t help you. You don’t know how to use it.
Adam: You are right.
Eve: And do you know how to use it?
Serpent: Of course, I do.
Eve: Why?
Serpent: Because I am wise.
Eve: What does it mean – “wise”?
Serpent: Well, it means that I know everything because I eat this fruit. (Points to the apple)
Eve: And are you as wise as God? He eats this fruit too.
Serpent: I am wiser.
Eve: Really?
Serpent: Of course. God eats them from time to time but I eat them for all day long.
Eve: And why did God forbid us to eat this fruit?
Serpent: He is very greedy.
Eve: Do you think so?
Serpent: Of course. If you know everything you will want everything and God will have to spend much money to buy it.
Eve: Do you really think so?
Serpent: Of course. You would want to have a watch, a TV set, a computer, a…
Eve (interrupting him): What does it mean – “a computer”?
Serpent: It’s a wonderful invitation.
Eve: And what does it mean – “a TV set”?
Serpent: It’s a charming thing.
Eve: And what does it mean..?
Serpent: Do you really want to know everything?
Eve: Yes.
Serpent: Do you want to know what “a computer” mean?
Eve: I am eager.
Serpent: And what “a TV set” is?
Eve: I long to know.
Serpent: Then just eat the fruit. (Holds out the apple to Eve)
Eve: But God said that I will die if I eat it.
Serpent: What’s nonsense! I didn’t die and God didn’t either. Why will you die of it?
Eve: But God said…
Serpent (sings):
[The song “Song about hares” from the film “Diamond arm”]
Near tree of the knowledge two persons were speaking.
Both of them didn’t know anything. It was wrong.
Unexpectedly serpent felt for people a pity,
Took the apple, gave to people, sang a lovely song.
All the same to us. All the same to us.
People will become wiser than the Lord.
Eat the fruit one time. You will never die.
Always you will be cleverer than God.
(Eve takes the apple and bites off a piece of it)
Adam (sings):
Don’t eat! Don’t do it! The fruit is forbidden!
Spit it out! You know you’ll, surely, die.
Eve (holds out an apple to Adam and sings):
You are fool. What’s a taste! What’s a marvelous feeling!
(Adam takes the apple and bites off a piece of it)
Do you like it? And you now so wise as I.
Adam and Eve (sing):
All the same to us! All the same to us!
People will become wiser than the Lord!
Eat the fruit one time! We will never die!
Always we will be cleverer than God!
All the same to us! All the same to us!
People will become wiser than the Lord!
Don’t lose your time! We will never die!
Everything will be so as we want!
(Suddenly loud steps sound. Adam and Eve look at each other with horror)
Adam: This is God.
Eve: Let’s hide.
(They throw the apple and hide behind the tree. God appears)
God: I have heard singing but there is nobody here. What’s a strange thing! (noticing the apple) Oh, the serpent again eats unripe apples. How many times must I warn him? He will have stomach-ache one day. And now I want to see Adam and Eve. (Cries): Adam! Eve! Come to me!
Adam: We can’t.
God: Why?
Adam: We are naked.
God: And how have you found it out?
Eve: We have guessed.
God (ironically): Really?
Adam: We have eaten the apple.
God: Didn’t I forbid you this fruit?
Adam (pointing to Eve): She gave me it.
God: Why did you do so?
Eve: The serpent deceived me.
God: Now I have understood everything. I curse you.
Eve: Whom of us?
God: Both of you. And I curse the serpent too. Go away.
Adam: But…
God: I have said “Go away”.
(Adam and Eve go away slowly)
You have watched the first sin and now it’s time to name it. Maybe, I am not quite right but I am sure the first sin is curiosity. Curiosity! How many troubles it has brought to people! Anybody who knows the Greek culture has heard about prying Pandora. And, no doubt, all of you have heard about poor Varvara. By the way, the English cat was more unlucky. Varvara just lost her nose but the cat was killed because of curiosity. Time is changed but sins remain the same.